Dr   Jains   Homoeopathic   Fertity   Clinic   ---   Redefining   Fertility   Since   Two   and   Half   Decade
Online Consultation
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  • Olarikkara, Thrissur
    Kerala, South India
  • Morning : 09.30 AM - 12.30 PM
    Evening  : 03.30 PM - 07.00 PM


The Master Healer for being the torchbearer for me and my brethren in this healing art called Homeopathy.

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

Cherishing the fond memories and  contributions these venerable souls made in my Homoeopathic Journey...

Dr. Madhu Sudana Panicker
( Rtd. CMO )

Late. Dr. Sudhakaran Nair
( Rtd. DMO )

Late. Dr. C. Pathmanabhan
( Rtd CMO )

Late. Dr. N. K. Jayaram

Dr. Jain’s Homoeopathic Fertility Center at Olarikkara, Thrissur, Kerala has indeed been the brainchild of Dr. Jain, but it couldn’t have become a reality without the active support of many dedicated people. God's benevolence continues to be such that he chose me as the device to bring happiness to many desolate couples in realising their baby dreams. Personally, I am blessed by God's grace in the form of loving parents and Seena Sunny, my most understanding better half whose unstinted support has weathered me through various lows and highs.

Professionally, I am deeply indebted to late. Dr. N.K. Jayaram and Late. Dr. Sudhakaran Nair (Rtd DMO) who were instrumental in reinstating my faith in homoeopathy and inspiring me to learn my subject more deeply so as to maximally benefit my patients.
Over the years, I realised the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment in many difficult cases of infertility and Late. Dr. C. Pathmanabhan (Rtd CMO) has been my guiding force in such situations.
Dr.Madhu Sudana Panicker, CMO (Retd) is a rare breed among Homoeopaths who can easily blend the old and new approaches using logical reasoning like a true bred researcher. He has been a constant source of support and inspiration during my journey as a clinician.
I have also been fortunate to have the guidance of many expert homoeopaths through the length and breadth of Kerala, like Dr. Ajitha Dhanapal, Dr. Rema Devi Ambady, Dr. Shantha Chandran, Dr seena Suren and Dr. Chandramathy, who were selflessly helping me in cases of female complaints and who gave me enough confidence to treat infertility cases, especially those that failed in spite of the most modern treatment procedures.

I wish to fondly remember the intellectual interactions with a dear friend from school days, now a respected homoeopathic fertility specialist himself, Dr. Dileep Kumar, Director of Care Well homoeopathic fertility center, for his encouraging words.

Special thanks to my dear friend Dr. Suresh P.V of Prohealth for helping me during the technical and drafting stages. His co-operation, creative suggestions, and critical reviews added form and substance to this website.

My classmates, many directly and many others indirectly, have been like pillars through this journey and I respect their choice to remain incognito, but I cannot thank them enough.
I also wish to remember the academic sessions that IHK conducted in between my professional journeys, where I could learn new things from every speaker.
Finally, I wish to acknowledge the faith reposed on me and my system of medicine by each of the patients across Kerala and nearby States who had given up hopes after years of dedicated medication and procedures. Bringing smiles to every such couple in fact reinforces my conviction about the usefulness of the homoeopathic system of medicine in many challenging illnesses.

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